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Information about Belgium
The information comes from the publication CIA The World Factbook.
Automated text translation, excuse errors, please!
Country Belgium is situated in a location / continent Europe. Belgium has an area of 30 528 km2 and 10 438 353 residents. The highest point has a height 694 above sea level. and it is called Signal de Botrange. The lowest point is located at the level of 0 above sea level and it is named North Sea. System of government is constitutional monarchy and the date of independence 4th October 1830. The capital city is Brussels. Belgium has the international abbreviation BE.
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Belgium - economy
Total gross domestic product (GDP) is 418 600 000 000 $. Total gross domestic product per capita in purchasing power parity is 38 200 $. GDP grows by 1.90 % a year. Inflation (consumer price index) is equal to 3.50 % a year. Belgium have 5 177 000 working-age population (from a total population 10 438 353 people). Unemployment is at 7.70 %. Belgium issued 11.80 % GDP to healt care and 1,30 % GDP to army. The public debt of the country is 99.70 % GDP. The total amount of foreign debt is 1 399 000 000 000 USD.
Belgium - demography
As suggested above, Belgium has 10 438 353 people. Population growth is in the amount 0.06 % per year. Number of children born per 1000 population per year is 10.03.Every mother has average 1.65 children. The infant mortality rate is 4.28 and maternal mortality 8.00 deaths per 100,000 births. Average estimated life expectancy makes 79.65 years. Mortality is 10.63 people per 1000 population per year.
Belgium - transport and telecommunications
Belgium has 153 595 km of roads, 3 233 km of railway lines and 43 airports. The total length of waterways (navigable rivers, canals, etc.) is 2 043 km. There is registered 87 ships.
Number of active mobile phones (sim card) in the country Belgium is 12 541 000. Number of active fixed telephone lines is 4 631 000. Belgium has 8 113 000 internet users, who have the available 5 180 000 Internet connections. Belgium has been assigned a domain first Choose range .be.
Belgium - energetics
Belgium consumes a year 78 530 000 000 kWh of electricity. Annual electricity production is 89 250 000 000 kWh in power plants with a total installed electrical capacity 17 500 000 kW. Belgium exports 11 840 000 000 kWh and imports 12 410 000 000 kWh of electricity per year Energy mix of power generation is as follows: fossil fuels: 46.4 %, nuclear energy: 33.7 %, renewable: 11.7 %, hydropower: 0.6 %.
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